Monday, November 23, 2009

Quick Tips for Getting Ripped

1. Eat Breakfast Every Day!
This will get your metabolism going so you will burn calories not store them. If you don’t eat breakfast you will store more body fat!

2. Eat 5-6 Small meals every day!
This will keep your metabolism going all day long!

3. Stop Eating Out!
It is hard to find healthy food when eating out. Therefore; you should be getting most, if not all of your calories from healthy, home cook meals. If you are on the run or at work, consider preparing your meals before hand and storing them in a container or small cooler so you can eat them later.

4. Water: Natures Diet Drink!
Be sure to drink plenty of water, around 1 gallon per day! This will help with the bodily processes associated with fat loss. It will also prevent you from drinking soda pop or other unhealthy drinks.

5. Cut the Fat!
Keep your diet low in fat! Especially saturated fats.

6. Cut down on the Sugar!
Sugar is everywhere! Decrease the amounts you eat by reading food labels and not drinking soda or eating candy!

7. Get your Cardio!
Perform at least 30 minutes of cardio every day. This will burn body fat and keep you in the right calorie range for fat loss. Some great cardio activities for fat loss are: swimming, jogging, sprinting, basketball, soccer, aerobics, etc…

8. Pump some Iron!
Weight training will help reduce body fat by increasing lean muscle tissue. The more lean tissue you have the more calories you will burn throughout the day. High intensity weight training is recommended because you will not only burn more calories, but you will increase your metabolism for up to 2 days afterwards.

9. Eat in Moderation!
Think of eating as “fueling your body.” You only need to eat to sustain your body for what it needs to do and nothing more.

10. Get 8 Hours of Sleep Every Night!
During sleep is when growth hormones are released. These hormones will help build lean muscle tissue which will lead to a decrease in body fat. Getting enough sleep will also keep your body healthy and able to meet daily stressors.

11. Reduce Your Stress!
Stress causes the release of excess Cortisol. Excess Cortisol leads to the build up of body fat.

12. Eat More Protein!
Get more protein in your diet by eating more; chicken, fish, milk, yogurt or cottage cheese, or by using protein bars or shakes. Be sure to choose foods high in protein and low in fat and calories!! Get at least 1 gram of protein per pound of lean body weight.

13. Time Your Carbs!
Don’t eat many carbs before times of little or no physical activity.

14. Monitor your Progress!
Track your results to see if you need to make any changes to your diet or exercise routine.

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