1.Plan out your meals
It is important to know what you are going to be eating for each meal every day. This will prevent you from choosing an unhealthy meal or fast food just because it is available or convenient. This will also allow you to get the appropriate nutrients for fat loss and muscle gain, which you would normally neglect by eating for convenience. This may require you to prepare meals in advance so you can have them the following day. Using protein shakes or meal replacements is a convenient way to get your needed calories and nutrients so that you can eat clean and reach your goals.
2.Monitor you food intake
Keeping track of your food intake allows you to see exactly what you are eating so that you may remove the unhealthy food choices that may be keeping you from reaching your fitness goals. It also allows you to calculate the amount of calories and macronutrients (protein, carbohydrates, fat and water) you are eating so that you may maintain an appropriate balance.
3.Eat for performance not pleasure
Think of food as fuel for your body! The only reason you should be eating is to give your body the calories or “fuel” it needs to meet its daily requirements. The more active you are the more “fuel” your body will need.
4.Eat a variety of foods
Eating a variety of foods will ensure that you are getting the right amount of nutrients but the truth is that eating clean for every meal can get quite repetitive and irritating. You will eventually get sick of eating the same foods over and over again, so do yourself a favor and eat a variety of healthy foods so that you may continue to eat healthy of an extended time period.
5.Allow yourself to eat 1 “cheat” meal per week
Eating clean may restrict you from eating some of your favorite foods like; ice cream, pizza or cheese cake, but eating these foods on a regular basis will make it hard to reach your fitness goals. If you cut you favorites out of you diet completely you may go crazy! So allow yourself to eat 1 “cheat” meal per week, only if you are staying physically active and eating well the others days of the week!
6.Get Support
Having support from a friend or family member will greatly increase your chances of sticking to a clean, healthy diet. Whether you have someone eating clean with you or you have a close friend, family member or personal trainer watching what you eat, having a form of support will greatly enhance your results.
7.Eat a small meal every 2-3 hours
If you eat every two to three hours, you will not only increase and maintain your rate of metabolism but you will also keep yourself from going hungry which often results in unhealthy food choices.
8.Eat at home
When you go out to eat, not only are your choices for a healthy meal limited but you often get too large of portions, with too much fat and calories. Instead of eating out, buy healthy foods from the grocery store and prepare them at home.